In Tsepisong Township. Assistance was also given to 70 gogos or elderly women.
In our lifetime, we have to strive for transforming people and make a difference, wherever might be in our communities.
We remain guided by the timeless values and teaching of the word of God, especially in this time of CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC (COVID-19), where the world seems to look upside down.
These are some images of 7 families, with a special need, due to their health conditions, and Ithemba la Bantwana Orphanage home, at the Tshepisong Township, receiving food humpers.
We praise God for the Adventist AIDS INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY (AAIM), through Doctor Llaguno and his wife, for the cash donation, which made us able to purchase those food items you can see in the photos.

Being driven by a heart of compassion, we believe the protection and well being of every life of our nation, our world and society is our concern. It is not the responsibility of one institution, but all of us as a nation (Individuals, Churches, Businesses, Civil Society, NGOs), should join hands together in addressing the problems. I end this with a quote of Mother Teresa of Calcutta: “We are called upon to do small good things, with a great LOVE”.
God bless you, and always remember to keep us in your prayers, for God’s provision. Needs are a lot out there, finding more questions than the answers. I assure you before God that what I am writing to you is no lie! Stay safe.

By Tom Masarara, HIV-AIDS representative.
Photo credits: Tom Masarara