Tri-Division AAIM Advisory meetings in ECD

It was 2 years ago when the 7th AAIM Advisory participants held in the East Central African Division in Nairobi, Kenya on  July 1-6, 2018. The initial number of attendees was estimated to be 50-60 participants. The actual number was 110 coming from the three divisions in Africa: WAD, ECD and SID. Behind is the astounding entrance of the ECD headquarters.

Profound appreciation to the East Central Africa Division that hosted the Advisory particularly the three officers Dr Blasius Ruguri, President: Dr Alain Coralie, Executive Secretary and Pastor Jerome Habimana, CFO. The free use of the venue, the enormous discounts for  food and accommodations, the intricate meeting logistics and many others made the occasion a resounding success.

Dr Abner Delos Santos, GC Vice President and AAIM Board Chair together with Dr Peter Landless, GC Health Director and AAIM Vice Chair.
During the event, ADRA through the presence of its Director Jonathan Duffy made a contribution of USD 30,000 to the AAIM Youth Prevention Programs. Similarly the GC Health Ministries through Dr Landless gave another USD 10,000.
Testimonies of Persons Living with HIV (PLWH) were given on how AAIM and its various chapters have taken care of them giving them better health and hope for the future.
Some of the West Central Africa Division delegation headed by Dr Andre Ndaa- WAD AAIM Coordinator
The largest number of delegates came from the host division ECD led by Dr Fesaha Tsegaye the division AAIM Coordinator.
The Southern Africa Indian Ocean participants gave a special song during the devotions. Bangwato Sikwa- the Division AAIM Coordinator shared her musical talents by directing the instant SID choir.

There were two AAIM Coordinators who passed away who were honored for their immense contribution: Dr Urban Negre or Jun and Evelyn Nkethoa. Upon his demise Jun was the AAIM Coordinator of the Southern Africa Union Conference. Accepting the posthumous award is Cherry Negre his wife and Mark Negre his son. Evelyn started the Grandmothers’ Club in Lesotho with the idea to  take care of the orphans victims of HIV. This concept was later multiplied in many countries. Pulumo Thabang- CEO of Maluti Hospital, Elizabeth Limakatso- Lesotho Conference AAIM Coordinator and Kamohelo Phoofolo- ADRA Lesotho Project Manager were the ones who received the plaque of appreciation for Evelyn since none of the family members could make it.


AAIM is greatly indebted to the vision, initiative and sacrifice of Dr Oscar Giordano and Dr Eugenia Giordano who started this program in July 2003 and served up to May 2016. AAIM is what it is today because of their total commitment, dedication and labor of love. Both are now retired.

by AAIM Ministries