AAIM donates Cash Gifts to the Destitute and those people Living With HIV (Plwh) in South Zimbabwe Conference in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

On 5th of August 2020, twenty persons together with families with chronic illnesses, HIV affected/infected and those in dire need received a cash donation to assist with the purchase of food and other essential needs. Zimbabwe has been seriously hit with drought and then COVID lockdown descended bringing to a screeching halt many of the basic sources of income. The two income generating activities for PLWH of detergent/soap manufacturing and gardening were reduced to nothing due to the multiple calamities. Those involved had no source of income.
They cried to AAIM for help. As a result, AAIM decided to send some cash. The initial idea was to purchase manufactured groceries. But with the hyper-inflation in the country, it was better to give cash. This way, the money can go a long way by buying the locally produced foods with better nutrition.

Report by: Pastor Nduna Mpofu, SZC AAIM Coordinator
Photo credit: Pastor Nduna Mpofu.