AAIM Project Report from Eagle Neema

Eagle Neema is a community-based organization founded in the year 2003 and registered in the year 2004. The organization gives care and support to Orphans and Vulnerable children and people living with HIV, People Living with Disability, and Marginalized groups within Nyeri, Murang’a and Isiolo counties. Our main office is located in Nyeri and satellite offices in all the counties of operation.


Presently the organization gives support to 10,000 (OVC) Orphans and Vulnerable Children and 1500 (PLWHIV) people living with HIV/AIDS. This is a total of 4600 households and of these 350 are people living with a disability.

In order to maintain the gains made in the health sector of fighting HIV stigma and discrimination and supporting the marginalized groups, we need to address the challenges that face our community day to day. One of the main challenges that affect our community is poverty.

Above is a pictorial of Eagle Neema staff empowering caregivers living with HIV, a with Salon start – up Kit which will be a pillar to the household as these kits will assist the caregivers economically where they will be able to earn income to sustain their families in terms of basic needs.
Adolescent Girls receiving sanitary towels, guidance and counselling in the presence of the administration. This activity took place so as to reduce chances of girls using old clothes as sanitary towels which may affect them health wise especially this season of COVID-19 where most parents are not able to provide girls with sanitary towels since the economy has been affected by the epidemic.
Eagle Neema staff empowering caregivers with kiosk (shop) items, as a means of income generating activities (IGA) which will improve their living standards.
The picture above shows Eagle Neema staff supporting a caregiver with Cereals startup capital which will eventually boost the household through generated income.
Empowerment of caregivers with dairy goats by the Eagle Neema staff .This will boost the household nutrition, a source of manure and also act as an IGA.
Caregiver receiving a sewing machine after qualifying. This will boost the household since she will be generating income thus improved living standards.

Eagle Neema acknowledges and appreciates the support of the Adventist Aids International Ministry (AAIM)   through the Central Kenya Union Conference for giving to our less- fortunate community. The support has gone a long way in improving the livelihoods of our community which has also greatly improved their spirituality and have time to pray together as their spirits have been rejuvenated due to renewed hope.


Eagle Neema remains humbled by your good heart to support even communities that you don’t know. This is a true reflection of the scriptures (Mathew 25: 35-40) May God bless you in all your endeavors’ as you work in his Vineyard.

Reported by Hellen Mukure, Director -Eagle Neema CBO