Tshepisong Orphanage as reported by Tom Masarara

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and all the Praise to Him for his compassion and comfort towards us. He always comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can be able to comfort those in troubles, with the comfort we ourselves have received from Him.


We all aware of the challenges faced last year 2020, due to COVID-19 Pandemic outbreak and our expectation was 2021 will be better, a year of renewal, new hopes… Unfortunately, things are still moving negatively, but in all this we are more than conquerors, believing everything is working for our good, even if we can not see that.


Being inspired by ADRIAN MOLE, who took some new year’s resolutions and vows, being only 13 and 3/4 of age, like I will help the blind across the road, I will be kind to people, I will help the poor, orphan, widow and ignorant, those are few of them. What are yours for this year 2021? Even if we are still living in challenging times and the world continues to look upside down, let us be challenged.


Those are some images of yesterday’s Ministry, we had the opportunity of purchasing those groceries items, in helping Orphans, those infected and affected with HIV/AIDS, and some Elderly or Gogos in the Tshepisong Township/West Rand.


Our heartfelt and big thank you are going to Dr. and Mrs. Ilaguno of the ADVENTIST AIDS INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY for their generosity toward this, we pray God to continue showering his blessings upon you, so that you can showing his power, for his glory.


Let us always be reminded of not becoming weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not GIVE UP.

Thank you once again to all those, praying without ceasing for us, especially Sue and Stan Durrant, for always being available to fast and pray with and for us.



God bless you!

Your Humble Servant

Tom Masarara

AAIM  was able to coordinate with Meals on Wheels in Bloemfontein and delivery of 5  pallets of noodles were collected from their warehouse on January 8, 2021. Our heartfelt gratitude to the MOWCS  team headed by Elder Effort Bhebe together with the support of the SAUC Treasury.


Not only have the orphans at Tshepisong benefited but they were able to assist as well 50 of those infected and affected with HIV-AIDS within the community with one plastic bag with 40 packets of noodles in each bag. That’s a lot.


Meals on Wheels are happy that they can continue to assist AAIM and assured us that they will do the same throughout the year. Such wonderful news indeed!


Reported by: Nellie  Llaguno.