Those are some images of 1.5 tonnes of potatoes donated by Meals on Wheels on Monday 7th of June 2021. With Love and Gratitude to Mrs. Nellie and Dr. Llaguno, without forgetting those involved in the ADVENTIST AIDS INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY (AAIM). This day should not be possible without your support and intervention!
We were able not only to assist the Ithemba Labantwana Orphanage Home in Tshepisong Township but reached out to a lot of families Infected and Affected with HIV/AIDS in the communities of Tshepisong Township and Lehae Township.
We were able to assist 4 ECDs Centers or Creches, in special need of food and where there are Orphans and Vulnerable Children due to HIV/AIDS Epidemic.
We truly thank God for this provision and trust in him for more blessings to come! Thank you once again to Meals on Wheels, for its generosity towards this! God bless.