The Adventist AIDS International Ministry (AAIM) is an international ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that brings hope, love, and compassionate care and support to the people touched by the HIV epidemic. It serves the territory of sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian Ocean.
To be a grace filled ministry demonstrating the hope, love and compassion of Jesus Christ by involving all the church levels starting from the leadership, institutions, organized congregations up to the level of the individual believers on HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention, care, and support.
To respond to the World Church
‘I Will Go’ strategies to the HIV/AIDS pandemic needs in accordance with the Biblical principles
- Education & Training
- Prevention strategies
- Care for those affected
- Mainstream in all other ministries
- Collaboration & Partnerships
AAIM Africa regional office is a program office serving the three Africa Division of the Seventh Day Adventist Church – East Central Africa Division (ECD), Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division (SID), and West Central Africa Division (WAD). The office reports to the General Conference Health Ministries Department. Our physical office is at the SID offices in Pretoria, South Africa.
AAIM office works directly with the regional Divisions Health Ministries Directors who are the AAIM Coordinators for their respective Division. This structure cascades to the Unions, Conference, Fields, and local church. The Health Ministries Director or Leader is the AAIM Coordinator for their respective organization.